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  1. Current reforms in K-12 STEM education call for integration between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Such integration of STEM disciplines at the K-12 level offers students an opportuni...

    Authors: Emily A. Dare, Joshua A. Ellis and Gillian H. Roehrig
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:4
  2. This paper adapts the four-frame model of organizational change to the context of higher education. We offer the model as a tool for researchers and change agents who wish to study and enact systemic change wi...

    Authors: Daniel L. Reinholz and Naneh Apkarian
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:3
  3. The University of Maine Stormwater Management and Research Team (SMART) program began in 2014 with the goal of creating a diverse science-technology-engineering-math (STEM) pathway with community water researc...

    Authors: Mohamad Musavi, Wilhelm A. Friess, Cary James and Jennifer C. Isherwood
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:2
  4. Successful outcomes of the Learning Assistant (LA) model include increased learning outcomes in STEM gateway courses and increased persistence to graduation among LAs and the students they serve. While there a...

    Authors: Laken M. Top, Sarah A. Schoonraad and Valerie K. Otero
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:1
  5. Preparing today’s undergraduate students from science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and related health professions to solve wide-sweeping healthcare challenges is critical. Moreover, it is imperati...

    Authors: Patrice M. Ludwig, Jacquelyn K. Nagel and Erica J. Lewis
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:33
  6. The articles in this volume reflect the continued popularity of video in professional development and raise important questions about how to situate video productively in varied contexts. Together, they highli...

    Authors: Elizabeth A. van Es and Miriam Gamoran Sherin
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:32
  7. Most studies of teacher professional development (PD) do not rigorously test impact on teaching practice and student learning. This makes it difficult to define what is truly “effective.” The Science Teachers Lea...

    Authors: Kathleen J. Roth, Jody Bintz, Nicole I. Z. Wickler, Connie Hvidsten, Joseph Taylor, Paul M. Beardsley, Arlo Caine and Christopher D. Wilson
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:31
  8. Determining whether a professional development program can be enacted with integrity in different settings and by different facilitators is critical to understanding efficacy. In this paper, we describe the tw...

    Authors: Jennifer Jacobs, Nanette Seago and Karen Koellner
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:30
  9. This paper describes the Problem-Solving Cycle model of professional development and the Mathematics Leadership Preparation model of PD leader preparation. These models form the backbone of our current researc...

    Authors: Hilda Borko, Janet Carlson, Charmaine Mangram, Robin Anderson, Alissa Fong, Susan Million, Suki Mozenter and Anthony Muro Villa
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:29
  10. This special issue brings together four effective video-based professional development programs—two in mathematics and two in science—that use classroom videos as the centerpiece of their efforts and have “sca...

    Authors: Miray Tekkumru-Kisa and Mary Kay Stein
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:27
  11. The shortage of skilled workers choosing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) careers in the USA and worldwide has fueled a movement towards STEAM, in which the “A” addresses the arts and humaniti...

    Authors: Danielle Herro, Cassie Quigley, Jessica Andrews and Girlie Delacruz
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:26
  12. The efficacy of active learning within STEM education is clear, and many institutions are working to help faculty adopt evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) which can promote active learning. In orde...

    Authors: R. Eric Landrum, Karen Viskupic, Susan E. Shadle and Doug Bullock
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:25
  13. Government projections in the USA indicate that the country will need a million more science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates above and beyond those already projected by the year 2022...

    Authors: Rachel Elizabeth Keller, Estrella Johnson and Steven DeShong
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:24
  14. Students’ ability to construct and coordinate units has been found to have far-reaching implications for their ability to develop sophisticated understandings of key middle-grade mathematical topics such as fr...

    Authors: Catherine Ulrich and Jesse L. M. Wilkins
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:23
  15. Much of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical (STEMM) education policy and research centers around developing the upper levels of the STEMM workforce sector. However, there are many positi...

    Authors: Matthew A. Cannady, Debra Moore, Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Eric Greenwald, Regie Stites and Christian D. Schunn
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:22
  16. This study presents two teacher design teams (TDTs) during a professional development experience centered on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-integrated curriculum development. The main...

    Authors: Justin R. McFadden and Gillian H. Roehrig
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:21
  17. Due to the rising demands for a Canadian workforce with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)-related education, there is a need to increase youth engagement in STEM education and programming. Rese...

    Authors: Eugenia Duodu, Jessica Noble, Yusuf Yusuf, Camilo Garay and Corliss Bean
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:20
  18. Valid assessment of the understanding of Newton’s mechanics is highly relevant to both physics classrooms and research. Several tests have been developed. What remains missing, however, is an efficient and fai...

    Authors: Sarah I. Hofer, Ralph Schumacher and Herbert Rubin
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:18
  19. Professional schools, such as schools of pharmacy, are rarely involved with promoting STEM interests among secondary school students. To address this shortcoming, the Young Innovators Program (YIP) was create...

    Authors: Adam D. Friedman, Carlos R. Melendez, Antonio A. Bush, Samuel K. Lai and Jacqueline E. McLaughlin
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:17
  20. The main objective of the study was to examine the relevance of engineering mathematics to the emerging industries. The level of abstraction, the standard of rigor, and the depth of theoretical treatment are n...

    Authors: Peter J. Jehopio and Ronald Wesonga
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:16
  21. Scientific literacy development is widely emphasized as the overarching goal of science education. It encompasses development of understanding of the nature of science as well as knowledge, attitudes, and valu...

    Authors: Jacquie L. Bay, Mark H. Vickers, Helen A. Mora, Deborah M. Sloboda and Susan M. Morton
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:15
  22. Given the growing interest in, and relevance of, integrated approaches to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, there is an urgent desire to understand the challenges and obstacle...

    Authors: David J. Shernoff, Suparna Sinha, Denise M. Bressler and Lynda Ginsburg
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:13
  23. Calculus is a foundational course for STEM-intending students yet has been shown to dissuade students from pursuing STEM degrees. In this report, we examine factors related to students and instructors reportin...

    Authors: Jessica Ellis Hagman, Estrella Johnson and Bailey K. Fosdick
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:12
  24. One significant factor in facilitating students’ career intentions and persistence in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields is targeting their interests and motivation before eighth g...

    Authors: Jessica R. Chittum, Brett D. Jones, Sehmuz Akalin and Ásta B. Schram
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:11
  25. This research highlights a school-university collaboration to pilot a professional development framework for integrating STEM in K-6 mathematics classrooms in a mid-Atlantic suburban school division. Because m...

    Authors: Courtney K. Baker and Terrie M. Galanti
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:10
  26. Calls to improve student learning and increase the number of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) college and university graduates assert the need for widespread adoption of evidence-based instruc...

    Authors: Susan E. Shadle, Anthony Marker and Brittnee Earl
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:8
  27. The constructs of interest and motivation are often identified as factors that contribute to the persistence of undergraduate college women in physics, mathematics, engineering, engineering technology, and com...

    Authors: Kimberly Grau Talley and Araceli Martinez Ortiz
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:5
  28. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is becoming more prevalent at the elementary level, and there has been a push to focus on the integration between the STEM disciplines. Resear...

    Authors: Anne T. Estapa and Kristina M. Tank
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:6
  29. Prompted by fewer females compared to males enrolling in physics and advanced mathematics at both secondary and university levels, our research investigated the views and experiences of female students current...

    Authors: Mary C. Oliver, Amanda Woods-McConney, Dorit Maor and Andrew McConney
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:4
  30. Many university students are becoming involved in mentoring programs, yet few studies describe the impact of mentoring on the mentor. Additionally, many studies report that students graduating from college are...

    Authors: Kari Nelson, Jaime Sabel, Cory Forbes, Neal Grandgenett, William Tapprich and Christine Cutucache
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:3
  31. The undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education community has developed a large number of innovative teaching strategies and materials, but the majority of these go unused ...

    Authors: Raina Khatri, Charles Henderson, Renee Cole, Jeffrey E. Froyd, Debra Friedrichsen and Courtney Stanford
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2017 4:2
  32. Inclusive STEM (traditionally known to stand for “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math”) high schools are emerging across the country as a mechanism for improving STEM education and getting more and dive...

    Authors: Melanie LaForce, Elizabeth Noble, Heather King, Jeanne Century, Courtney Blackwell, Sandra Holt, Ahmed Ibrahim and Stephanie Loo
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:21
  33. We report the results of an undergraduate course in astrophotography designed to engage non-STEM majors in the natural sciences to train future amateur astronomers and citizen scientists. Over 200,000 students...

    Authors: Mario A. De Leo–Winkler, Gabriela Canalizo and Gillian Wilson
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:20
  34. This paper reports on the use of classroom assessment techniques (CATs) by primary school mathematics teachers in China. CATs are short, focused assessment activities that can reveal students’ understanding of...

    Authors: Xiaoyan Zhao, Marja Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Michiel Veldhuis
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:19
  35. Robotics competitions are increasingly popular and potentially provide an on-ramp to computer science, which is currently highly gender imbalanced. However, within competitive robotics teams, student participa...

    Authors: Eben B. Witherspoon, Christian D. Schunn, Ross M. Higashi and Emily C. Baehr
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:18
  36. Working effectively in a collaborative team is not only an outcome required by ABET but also one that scholars and practitioners recognize as necessary for being a successful professional engineer. Technology-...

    Authors: Rose M. Marra, Linsey Steege, Chia-Lin Tsai and Nai-En Tang
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:17
  37. This study investigates the models of elementary content specialization (ECS) in elementary mathematics and science and the affordances and constraints related to ECS—both generally and in relation to specific...

    Authors: Kimberly A. Markworth, Joseph Brobst, Chris Ohana and Ruth Parker
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:16
  38. This study is about Abu Dhabi high school students’ interest in science in different contexts. The survey was conducted in connection with the international project, the Relevance of Science Education (ROSE). ...

    Authors: Masood Badri, Ali Alnuaimi, Jihad Mohaidat, Asma Al Rashedi, Guang Yang and Karima Al Mazroui
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:12
  39. The global urgency to improve STEM education may be driven by environmental and social impacts of the twenty-first century which in turn jeopardizes global security and economic stability. The complexity of th...

    Authors: Todd R. Kelley and J. Geoff Knowles
    Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2016 3:11

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