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Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:54
Examining ways to meaningfully support students in STEM
A strong, positive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) identity is a predictor of future career choice in a STEM field. In this commentary, major concepts are explored within and among fou...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:53 -
Perception and adoption of competency-based training by academics in Ghana
With the rise in graduate unemployment and the poor linkage between university education and industry, competency-based training (CBT) is gaining popularity in Ghana’s universities as a way of producing busine...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:52 -
Science identity development: an interactionist approach
In this introduction for this Special Issue we discuss the need for the investigation of science identity with an emphasis on the environment. As such, we propose taking an interactionist approach; one that ex...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:51 -
The nature of science identity and its role as the driver of student choices
A major concern in science education involves the under-representation of many groups in science and technology fields, especially by gender (Brotman and Moore, J Res Sci Teach 45:971–1002, 2008; Clark Blicken...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:48 -
Motivational factors in makerspaces: a mixed methods study of elementary school students’ situational interest, self-efficacy, and achievement emotions
Design-based learning and makerspace programs have been shown to be effective in increasing student motivation for STEM learning. Since these programs have largely been implemented for middle school and older ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:43 -
Research mentoring and scientist identity: insights from undergraduates and their mentors
Mentored research apprenticeships are a common feature of academic outreach programs that aim to promote diversity in science fields. The current study tests for links between three forms of mentoring (instrum...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:41 -
The longitudinal effects of STEM identity and gender on flourishing and achievement in college physics
Drawing on social identity theory and positive psychology, this study investigated women’s responses to the social environment of physics classrooms. It also investigated STEM identity and gender disparities o...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:40 -
Compiling video cases to support PD facilitators in noticing productive teacher learning
Research studies on facilitating professional development describe the knowledge and skills facilitators need to effectively attend to teachers’ learning processes. In this context, some studies gave rise to t...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:50 -
Correction to: Is the undergraduate microbiology curriculum preparing students for careers in their field?: an assessment of biology majors’ conceptions of growth and control of microorganisms
Following publication of the original article (Sawant et al., 2018), a typesetting mistake was reported.
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:49 -
STEM education centers: catalyzing the improvement of undergraduate STEM education
With the remarkable attention being paid to STEM education nationally, with the growing engagement of universities and colleges in STEM education reform, and with the rise of STEM education centers, SECs, assi...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:47 -
The influences of group dialog on individual student understanding of science concepts
Cooperative and inquiry-based pedagogies provide a context for classroom discourse in which students develop joint understanding of subject matter knowledge. Using the symbolic interactionist perspective that ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:46 -
The influence of STEM definitions for research on women’s college attainment
Prior research has inconsistently operationalized Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, presenting an interpretation challenge. A content analysis of 51 quantitative, gender-focused, higher...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:45 -
The effects of different versions of a gateway STEM course on student attitudes and beliefs
Substantial research has been conducted focusing on student outcomes in mathematics courses in order to better understand the ways in which these outcomes depend on the underlying instructional methodologies f...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:44 -
Is the undergraduate microbiology curriculum preparing students for careers in their field?: an assessment of biology majors’ conceptions of growth and control of microorganisms
We present an analysis of students’ responses to application-based questions on the topic of growth and control of microorganisms, from a questionnaire administered to 348 second and third year students of an ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:42 -
Developing numeracy skills using interactive technology in a play-based learning environment
The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of interactive technology in the form of mathematical applications (apps) delivered using iPads on kindergarten children’s learning of number sense in a play...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:39 -
Socioeconomic gaps in science achievement
In contrast to the extensive research on socioeconomic gaps in reading and math achievement, little attention has been given to socioeconomic disparities in science skills, particularly during the early years ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:38 -
Seeding long-term, sustainable change in teacher preparation programs: the case of PhysTEC
The continuation of teacher preparation activities after a 3-year Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) grant is used as a case study to examine multi-faceted aspects of sustainable change in higher ed...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:37 -
Developing identities of STEM teachers at emerging STEM schools
With the expansion of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) schools all over the United States and the world, new roles for teachers are being created, and with these roles, identities are e...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:36 -
Students’ perceptions of STEM learning after participating in a summer informal learning experience
Informal learning environments increase students’ interest in STEM (e.g., Mohr‐Schroeder et al. School Sci Math 114: 291–301, 2014) and increase the chances a student will pursue a STEM career (Kitchen et al. ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:35 -
Teachers’ roles and identities in student-centered classrooms
Students and teachers in twenty-first century STEM classrooms face significant challenges in preparing for post-secondary education, career, and citizenship. Educators have advocated for student-centered instr...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:34 -
Gendered differences in academic emotions and their implications for student success in STEM
Understanding student anxiety is an important factor for broadening the gender diversity of STEM majors due to its disproportionate and negative influence on women. To investigate how student anxiety is relate...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:33 -
Making sense of “STEM education” in K-12 contexts
Despite increasing attention to STEM education worldwide, there is considerable uncertainty as to what constitutes STEM education and what it means in terms of curriculum and student outcomes. The purpose of t...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:32 -
Student, instructor, and observer agreement regarding frequencies of scientific teaching practices using the Measurement Instrument for Scientific Teaching-Observable (MISTO)
The Scientific Teaching (ST) pedagogical framework encompasses many of the best practices recommended in the literature and highlighted in national reports. Understanding the growth and impact of ST requires i...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:31 -
Improving science teachers’ nature of science views through an innovative continuing professional development program
This study describes how teachers’ nature of science (NOS) views changed throughout an innovative Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program that provided sustained support throughout the process in a c...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:30 -
Incorporating industrial design pedagogy into a mechanical engineering graphics course: a discipline-based education research (DBER) approach
A redesigned curriculum for teaching engineering graphics was adopted in an introductory mechanical engineering course. The rollout of this curriculum was staggered, allowing for comparisons of student percept...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:29 -
Supporting instructional change in mathematics: using social network analysis to understand online support processes following professional development workshops
Studies continually show benefits of active learning in college classrooms, yet it is difficult to get faculty to adopt these methods. Particularly challenging is the final step of the instructional change pro...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:28 -
Learning progression toward a measurement concept of fractions
Fractions continue to pose a critical challenge for students and their teachers alike. Mathematics education research indicates that the challenge with fractions may stem from the limitations of part-whole con...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:27 -
Finding the leaders: an examination of social network analysis and leadership identification in STEM education change
Social network analysis (SNA) literature suggests that leaders should be well connected and can be identified through network measurements. Other literature suggests that identifying leaders ideally involves m...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:26 -
Connection between academic emotions in situ and retention in the physics track: applying experience sampling method
There is a lack of students enrolling in upper secondary school physics courses. In addition, many students discontinue the physics track, causing a lack of applicants for university-level science, technology,...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:25 -
Development and validation of the Value-Expectancy STEM Assessment Scale for students in higher education
Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) jobs are expected to make up a significant portion of the U.S. workforce. Unfortunately, the trend in retaining students in STEM majors has been going down. If...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:24 -
The influence of active learning practices on student anxiety in large-enrollment college science classrooms
Over the past decade, the prevalence of anxiety has increased among college-aged students and college counseling centers have become increasingly concerned about the negative impact of anxiety on students. Whi...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:23 -
A study of the correlation between STEM career knowledge, mathematics self-efficacy, career interests, and career activities on the likelihood of pursuing a STEM career among middle school students
A sample of 1448 students in grades 7 and 9 was drawn from public schools in Atlantic Canada to explore students’ knowledge of science and mathematics requirements for science, technology, engineering, and mat...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:22 -
Participation and performance on paper- and computer-based low-stakes assessments
High-stakes assessments, such the Graduate Records Examination, have transitioned from paper to computer administration. Low-stakes research-based assessments (RBAs), such as the Force Concept Inventory, have ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:21 -
Primetime learning: collaborative and technology-enhanced studying with genuine teacher presence
Productive learning processes and good learning outcomes can be attained by applying the basic elements of active learning. The basic elements include fostering discussions and disputations, facing alternative...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:20 -
Comments and reflections on ITS and STEM education and training
This article provides brief comments and reflections on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and their use in providing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education and training as describe...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:16 -
ElectronixTutor: an intelligent tutoring system with multiple learning resources for electronics
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) organized a STEM Challenge initiative to explore how intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) can be developed in a reasonable amount of time to help students learn STEM topics. T...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:15 -
Development and application of a multi-modal task analysis to support intelligent tutoring of complex skills
Contemporary work in the design and development of intelligent training systems employs task analysis (TA) methods for gathering knowledge that is subsequently encoded into task models. These task models form ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:14 -
Contextual factors affecting hint utility
Interactive learning environments often provide help strategies to facilitate learning. Hints, for example, help students recall relevant concepts, identify mistakes, and make inferences. However, several stud...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:13 -
SKOPE-IT (Shareable Knowledge Objects as Portable Intelligent Tutors): overlaying natural language tutoring on an adaptive learning system for mathematics
This study investigated learning outcomes and user perceptions from interactions with a hybrid intelligent tutoring system created by combining the AutoTutor conversational tutoring system with the Assessment ...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:12 -
Pedagogical knowledge for active-learning instruction in large undergraduate biology courses: a large-scale qualitative investigation of instructor thinking
Though active-learning instruction has the potential to positively impact the preparation and diversity of STEM graduates, not all instructors are able to achieve this potential. One important factor is the te...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:19 -
Advances from the Office of Naval Research STEM Grand Challenge: expanding the boundaries of intelligent tutoring systems
This special issue presents evaluations of four intelligent tutoring systems. These systems were funded under the Office of Naval Research’s STEM Grand Challenge for intelligent tutoring systems. The systems e...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:11 -
The role of pedagogical tools in active learning: a case for sense-making
Evidence from the research literature indicates that both audience response systems (ARS) and guided inquiry worksheets (GIW) can lead to greater student engagement, learning, and equity in the STEM classroom....
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:18 -
Cultural taboos as a factor in the participation rate of Native Americans in STEM
Native Americans are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We investigated whether having to violate cultural taboos might be a factor in the decisions of some Native Am...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:17 -
Race and gender differences in how sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM
Women and students of color are widely underrepresented in most STEM fields. In order to investigate this underrepresentation, we interviewed 201 college seniors, primarily women and people of color, who eithe...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:10 -
Undergraduate research experiences: mentoring, awareness, and perceptions—a case study at a Hispanic-serving institution
Undergraduate research experiences (UREs) have been proposed as means to increase the retention and engagement of minority—and more specifically Hispanic—college students in science, technology, engineering, a...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:9 -
Science in the Learning Gardens (SciLG): a study of students’ motivation, achievement, and science identity in low-income middle schools
Science in the Learning Gardens (henceforth, SciLG) program was designed to address two well-documented, inter-related educational problems: under-representation in science of students from racial and ethnic m...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:8 -
Strategies to mitigate student resistance to active learning
Research has shown that active learning promotes student learning and increases retention rates of STEM undergraduates. Yet, instructors are reluctant to change their teaching approaches for several reasons, i...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:7 -
Learning from the parallel pathways of Makers to broaden pathways to engineering
Makers are a growing community of STEM-minded people who bridge technical and non-technical backgrounds to imagine, build and fabricate engineering systems. Some have engineering training, some do not. This pa...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:6 -
Development of Two-Dimensional Classroom Discourse Analysis Tool (CDAT): scientific reasoning and dialog patterns in the secondary science classes
In a science classroom, students do not simply learn scientific ways of doing, knowing, and reasoning unless they find ways of appropriating scientific discourse. In the Next Generation Science Standards, majo...
Citation: International Journal of STEM Education 2018 5:5
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