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Table 3 Themes that emerged from the interview data

From: Limited or complete? Teaching and learning conceptions and instructional environments fostered by STEM teaching versus research faculty

RQ1: What are Professors’ of Teaching conceptions of teaching and learning and how do these conceptions inform the development of their instructional environments?

RQ2: What are Research Professors’ conceptions of teaching and learning and how do these conceptions inform the development of their instructional environments?

Theme A: PoTs’ conceptions of teaching and learning mostly fall between intermediate and complete levels

Theme A: RPs’ conceptions of teaching and learning mostly fall into the intermediate level

Theme B: PoTs’ conceptions translate into the implementation of student-centered instructional practices and the creation of student-centered learning environments

Theme B: RPs conceptions translate into the implementation of a mix of instructor-centered and student-centered instructional practices and the creation of modified traditional learning environments

Theme C: PoTs believe that beyond constructing a student-centered environment, instructors must play a supporting role both inside and outside the classroom

  1. RQ3 is answered as a synthesis of RQ1 and RQ2