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Table 2 Inclusion/exclusion criteria

From: Effectiveness of digital educational game and game design in STEM learning: a meta-analytic review


Inclusion/exclusion criteria


The learning environment must involve digital educational games. Studies using game elements in non-game environments (e.g., studies on gamification) were excluded


Research topics were STEM education, including science, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, technology and engineering education


The research type should be experimental or quasi-experimental design. Studies without a control/comparison group were excluded


The comparison types between the experimental group and the control group were digital educational games and non-educational games (for inclusion in the first meta-analysis), or basic digital educational games and digital educational games with added game mechanics (for inclusion in the second meta-analysis). Other studies that compared game genres and did not isolate the effect of games were excluded


There were sufficient statistical data in the research report to allow calculation or estimation of effect size between the comparison groups (e.g., sample size, mean value, standard deviation, T value, F value, etc.)


The study participants were students, excluding those with learning disabilities


The language of published studies should be English