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Table 1 Relevant variable descriptions and survey items

From: Perceived network bridging influences the career commitment decisions of early career teachers



Example survey items

Teacher identity variables

 Self-image (SI)

This variable describes a teacher’s perception of themselves relative to an idealized teacher

“I truly enjoy being a science [or math] teacher”

“The quality of my teaching contributes to my career advancement.”

Data represent the sum of scores from items grouped by factor analysis and conform to a four-point Likert scale (Strongly, Somewhat agree, Somewhat-, Strongly disagree)

 Community action

This variable describes a teacher’s perception of their position in the broader teaching discipline community. Emphasis may be more aligned to group interactions in the community compared to the CoP2 factor below

“I belong to professional associations or groups of science [or math] teachers”

“I feel part of a community of math [or science] teachers.”

Data represent the sum of scores from items grouped by factor analysis and conform to a four-point Likert scale (Strongly, Somewhat agree, Somewhat-, Strongly disagree)

 Community value

This variable describes a teacher’s perception of their position in the teaching discipline community. Emphasis may be more aligned to one-on-one interactions in the community compared to the CoP1 factor above

“It is helpful to be able to discuss the progress of students with colleagues”

“I enjoy sharing ideas and resources about teaching science [or math].”

Data represent the sum of scores from items grouped by factor analysis and conform to a four-point Likert scale (Strongly, Somewhat agree, Somewhat-, Strongly disagree)

 Social respect

This variable describes a teacher’s perception of their identity relative to public or popular opinion

“It is important that my good teaching be recognized in some ways”

“I appreciate it when my institutions acknowledge my success as a math [or science] teacher.”

Data represent the sum of scores from items grouped by factor analysis and conform to a four-point Likert scale (Strongly, Somewhat agree, Somewhat-, Strongly disagree)

VNS variables


This variable describes a count of the total number of contacts in a teacher’s CoP network

Up to ten contacts could be listed at each geographic level [school, district, state, (inter)national] for a maximum overall network size of 40 contacts


This variable describes a teacher’s perception of the degree of interconnectedness between contacts in their CoP network

In your opinion, which of the network diagrams best approximates the degree of interconnectedness in your own network of professional interactions at the school level?

None/A few/About half/Most/All [1/2/3/4/5]


This variable describes a teacher’s perception of how often they serve as a bridge between contacts who would not otherwise be connected in their CoP network (not separate geographic levels)

Rate the extent to which you think you occupy a bridge position in your overall personal network of professional contacts related to teaching content and/or pedagogy

Zero—Many [1/2/3/4/5]


This variable describes a teacher’s perception of how extensive their network is based on the number of contacts that each of their contacts maintains in their CoP network

In your opinion, which of the network diagrams best approximates your overall personal network of professional contacts related to teaching content and/or pedagogy?

Few—Many [1/2/3/4]