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Table 5 Comparison of department activities and changes reported by more than a third of department respondents

From: Adapting the CACAO model to support higher education STEM teaching reform


Key Department Activities

(see Table 2)

Department Changes reported by > 33% of department respondents

(see Fig. 1)

Individual Changes reported by > 33% of department respondents

(see Fig. 4)

Dept. 1

Summer retreat to foster collaboration and discussion around teaching

Informal meetings about student success, assessment, and curriculum alignment

Increased dialogue

Developed a sense of community around teaching

Increased participation in professional development

Increased interaction w/ others

Redesigned courses to promote active learning and improve course coordination and sequencing

Increased exploration or adoption of EBIPs

Integrated low and high threshold EBIPs

Revised assessment methods

Dept. 2

Course coordination projects focused on content, activities, and assessments

Instructor retreats for new instructors of coordinated courses

More coordination across courses/curriculum

Added or revised homework and resources

Revised assessment methods

Regular teaching focused discussions

Increased dialogue


Implemented specific EBIPs

Hosted a summer workshop on use of specific EBIPs


Integrated low and high threshold EBIPs

Dept. 3

Regular discussions at department meetings, including highlighting individual practices

Increased emphasis/value on teaching effectiveness and EBIPs

Increased participation in professional development

Coordinated content and activities across different sections of the same courses

Implemented EBIPs in specific courses


Added or modified in-class activities

Integrated low-threshold EBIPs

Dept. 4

Encouraged peer observations

Increased dialogue

More coordination across courses/curriculum

Increased interaction with others

Encouraged faculty adoption of EBIPs by providing resources

Incorporated EBIPs in courses


Added or modified in-class activities

Revised assessment methods or practices

Dept. 5

Developed program-level assessments

Reviewed program learning outcomes; curriculum mapping

Increased focus on outcomes/assessment

Revised assessment methods

Regular discussion of EBIPs at faculty meetings

Increased dialogue


Developed new skills-based activities to implement across the curriculum

Increased exploration or adoption of EBIPs

Modified course design

Integrated low-threshold EBIPs

Dept. 6

Developed activities for an upper-level course

Discussed EBIPs in faculty meetings

No changes commonly reported

Integrated low-threshold EBIPs

Added or modified in-class activities