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Table 4 Predictor variables and response variables modeled for quantitative analyses (repeated measures ANOVA)

From: Authentic STEM research, practices of science, and interest development in an informal science education program

Research Question

Response Variables

Predictor Variables

Research Question 1: As youth engage in authentic science research, do they develop competence in the skills and practices of science?

Skill 1: Conducting a literature review

Skill 2: Annotated bibliography

Skill 3: Pipetting

Skill 4: Keeping a lab notebook

Skill 5: Water quality testing

Skill 6: DNA extraction

Skill 7: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Skill 8: Gel electrophoresis

Skill 9: Standard morphological measurements

Skill 10: Sample collection

Skill 11: Species identification

Skill 12: Writing a research proposal

Skill 13: Constructing phylogenetic trees

Skill 14: R Program for Statistical Computing

Skill 15: Measuring biodiversity

Skill 16: Creating a research poster

Skill 17: Writing a peer-reviewed research article

Composite: Combination of all 17 skills

4-point scale measured over three timepoints (baseline, midpoint, and post participation):

1 = Need to learn

2 = Need to review

3 = I can do it without review

4 = I can do it without review AND I can teach others

Research Question 2:

Do participants increase, maintain, or decrease interest in science research as a result of this experience?

Interest in scientific research

4-point scale measured over three timepoints (baseline, midpoint, and post participation):

1 = Not very interested

2 = Might be interested

3 = Excited about

4 = Deep interest

Research Question 3: How does participation in scientific practices manifest in non-program contexts?

Practice 1: Reading scientific articles on my own

Practice 2: Discussing research with my friends outside of school and Lang program

Practice 3: Discussing science research with my family

Practice 4: Thinking about science-related questions

Composite: Combination of 4 scientific practices

4-point scale measured over three timepoints (baseline, midpoint, and post participation):

1 = Rarely

2 = Sometimes (monthly)

3 = Often (weekly)

4 = Very often (almost daily)