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Table 5 Example of teacher using recall question to build science understanding

From: Building science through questions in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classrooms


Classroom transcript

Q-Question type/

A-Answer type


MAIA: What is the difference between an allele...and a…an...antigen.



TEACHER: […] Now, is there someone who is willing to explain to Maia the difference between an allele and an antigen?... Markus.a

Q-Recognizing and describing


MARKUS: Uhm…alleles are the alternative forms of a gene.

A-Declarative knowledge


TEACHER: Good, you remember this very well and where are they … where can you find them, the alleles, in the cells?

Q-Recall question


MARKUS: Uhm, the nucleus...In the DNA?

A-Declarative knowledge


TEACHER: […] Now, what’s an antigen of the ABO system and where are these antigens in your body?… Alvin.

Q-Recall question


ALVIN: You said they are...sugars?

A-Declarative knowledge


TEACHER: Mm-hm, and where are they?

Q-Recall question


ALVIN: In the red blood cells.

A-Declarative knowledge


TEACHER: On the red blood cells, on the red blood cells surface. […] Now, Maia, I'm asking you now. What’s the difference between an allele and an antigen when we refer to the red blood groups?

Q-Recognizing and describing


MAIA: Okay...the alleles are the...information … on the DNA. They...decide what blood group you are… The antigens are the…product of the alleles. They are... on the red blood cells and they tell you...what's your blood group.

A-Declarative knowledge

  1. a[…] = an omitted part of the transcript. … = a pause or a hesitation. Excerpt from CS2, class 10A, lesson 2, lines 463–510