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Table 4 Standardized regression coefficients (CFA) for the engagement interest items

From: Person-centered analysis of factors related to STEM students’ global awareness

Latent variable


Regression coefficients

Intentional interest-effortful

Q19. Rate your level of interest in attending a free workshop on global awareness.



Q22. A renowned global awareness specialist will give a workshop on “issues with intercultural communication in multinational organization” at your institution. Rate your level of interest in attending this workshop.



Q20. Rate your level of willingness to take an elective course in order to improve your global awareness.



Q23. A cross-cultural dinner is being held on campus featuring food and music from different parts of the world, and it is free to attend. Rate your likelihood of attending the event.


Intentional interest-easy

Q25. While you are browsing a news website, you have spotted an article entitled “Economic Problems in Europe.” Rate your likelihood of reading this article.



Q26. How likely are you to follow, on your own, current news about terrorism in the world today?



Q21. Rate your level of interest in reading literature about global issues.


  1. p < 0.001 for all items