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Table 1 Description and examples of the MDL components and stages

From: Person-centered analysis of factors related to STEM students’ global awareness






Limited and fragmented knowledge.

Example: Basic awareness of poverty as an important global problem.

More cohesive domain knowledge principled in structure.

Example: Knowledge about poverty in different regions of the Word.

Broad and deep knowledge.

Example: Knowledge and understanding about the factors leading to poverty in different regions of the Word.

Strategic processing

Surface-level strategies: The implicit acceptance of information and memorization as isolated and unlinked facts.

Example: Fact-finding in a text or Internet about poverty.

A mixture of surface-level and deep processing strategies.

Example: Perform a web search to see a particular solution is applied in a current situation.

Deep processing strategies: Critically evaluate the problem, given facts, and alternatives.

Example: Analyze a dilemma about poverty from different cultural or economic perspectives.


Situational interest: Spontaneous, transitory, and environmentally activated interest that is associated with increased attention when a new topic is introduced.

Example: Read an online article about poverty as a part of a class assignment.

Increased individual interest due to increased engagement in a domain.

Example: Perform a web search to learn more about poverty.

Individual interest: Long-term, deepening, personal connection to a domain, which in turn inspires further exploration of the domain.

Example: Voluntarily attend a seminar or workshop about poverty.