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Table 5 Key quotes from participants which indicate that transferable skills were not solely caused by PLTL

From: Beyond content knowledge: transferable skills connected to experience as a peer-leader in a PLTL program and long-term impacts

Participant’s current position


Economics consultant

“I wouldn’t say necessarily gave me a ton of transferable skills but what it did give me is the ability to talk about the technical things better to practice and master it all my three years and I think that employers would recognize the fact that I am able to articulate technical concepts and that I have practiced math because I have to teach it.”

Business development/IP manager

“I know for me as I said it’s more a part of my personality you know to take up those roles and feel driven by it”

Product development associate

“So yeah PLTL did influence that (my TA position in graduate school). To my current position, I can’t say it may have indirectly impacted that but not directly.”