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Table 1 Conceptual overview of the components under investigation

From: Finding time for computer science in the elementary school day: a quasi-experimental study of a transdisciplinary problem-based learning approach

Research Question 1:

Research Question 2:

How is the implementation of integrated “Time4CS modules” associated with grade 3–5 students’ academic achievement outcomes?

How is the implementation of integrated “Time4CS modules” associated with grade 3–5 students’ attitudes toward CS?

Level 1: student-level variables

Level 1: student-level variables

•Demographic characteristics:

  - Gender

  - Race

  - Ethnicity

  - Grade level

  - English language proficiency

  - SES

 •Previous experience completing lessons

•Demographic characteristics:

  - Gender

  - Race

  - Ethnicity

  - Grade level

  - English language proficiency

  - SES

 •Previous experience completing lessons

 •*Pre-intervention school and CS attitudes

Level 2: teacher-level variables

Level 2: teacher-level variables

 •Time4CS module completion

 •Interactional Implementation

  - Teacher facilitation of group work

  - Teacher facilitation of cognitively demanding work

  - Teacher facilitation of students taking intellectual risks

  - Teacher use of interdisciplinary teaching practices

 •Structural implementation

  - Mandatory, grade-level CS lessons

  - Supplemental non-grade-level (above or below grade level) CS lessons

  - CS lessons


  - Resourcefulness and coping

  - Innovativeness

 •Previous CS teaching experience

 •Time4CS module completion

 •Interactional implementation

  - Teacher facilitation of group work

  - Teacher facilitation of cognitively-demanding work

  - Teacher facilitation of students taking intellectual risks

  - Teacher use of interdisciplinary teaching practices

 •Structural implementation

  - Mandatory, grade-level CS lessons

  - Supplemental non-grade-level (above or below grade level) CS lessons

  - CS lessons


  - Resourcefulness and coping

  - Innovativeness

 •Previous CS teaching experience

  1. Note: *Indicates variables assessed in the hierarchical linear model investigating students’ attitudinal outcomes. The inclusion of these variables in the HLM for Research Question #2 is the only difference between the two HLM models under investigation