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Table 3 The 5-factor model of the PIPS survey

From: Correlations between modes of student cognitive engagement and instructional practices in undergraduate STEM courses




Student-student interactions

Practices that describe interactions among students in class

I structure class so that students explore or discuss their understanding of new concepts before formal instruction.

I structure class so that students regularly talk with one another about course concepts.

I structure class so that students constructively criticize one another’s ideas.

I structure class so that students discuss the difficulties they have with this subject with other students.

I require students to work together in small groups.

I require students to make connections between related ideas or concepts when completing assignments.

Student-content engagement

Actions in which students manipulate or generate learning materials or products beyond what was provided by the instructor (similar to active and constructive elements noted by Chi and Wylie, 2014)

I design activities that connect course content to my students’ lives and future work.

I frequently ask students to respond to questions during class time.

I have students use a variety of means (models, drawings, graphs, symbols, simulations, etc.) to represent phenomena.

I structure problems so that students consider multiple approaches to finding a solution.

I provide time for students to reflect about the processes they use to solve problems.

Content Delivery Practices

Practices that describe or influence how the instructor transmits information to the students

I guide students through major topics as they listen and take notes.

My syllabus contains the specific topics that will be covered in every class session.

I structure my course with the assumption that most of the students have little useful knowledge of the topics.

My class sessions are structured to give students a good set of notes

Formative Assessment

Actions to monitor student learning that provide feedback to the instructor to inform teaching and/or to students to inform their learning

I provide students with immediate feedback on their work during class (e.g., student response systems, short quizzes)

I use student assessment results to guide the direction of my instruction during the semester

I use student questions and comments to determine the focus and direction of classroom discussion.

I give students frequent assignments worth a small portion of their grade.

I provide feedback on student assignments without assigning a formal grade.

Summative Assessment

Actions for formal evaluation of student learning, including grading policies

My test questions focus on important facts and definitions from the course.

My test questions require students to apply course concepts to unfamiliar situations.

My test questions contain well-defined problems with one correct solution.

I adjust student scores (e.g., curve) when necessary to reflect a proper distribution of grades.