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Table 9 Overlap in top reported barriers to instruction from qualitative and quantitative data

From: The STEM Faculty Instructional Barriers and Identity Survey (FIBIS): development and exploratory results

Top Likert scale barrier questions

Top qualitative barrier category descriptions

I do not have time to develop any new activities for my class—my workload is too high. (n = 47)

Lack of prep time and lack of time in general, attributed to various reasons including:

• A focus on research work over teaching

• Too heavy a workload (courses, research, other academic responsibilities)

• The need to focus on research for grant money and salary

• Financial help or release to develop a new class is not supported by university

Faculty reward structures (e.g., tenure and promotion) favors effort spent on research over effort spent teaching. (n = 46)

Financial support or teaching releases to re-design classes, as well as department chairs, deans, and/or the school not valuing time spent on teaching

The classrooms available for my course are inappropriately designed to implement active learning activities (e.g., fixed chairs, lecture hall). (n = 39)

The lack of appropriate classrooms, including a lack of available active learning classrooms and not having the needed reliable technology in classrooms

Students do not come prepared for in-class activities. (n = 38)

Student-related barriers include:

• Student resistance (e.g., student attitudes, motivation, and participation in class)

• Variation in student preparation (e.g., wide disparity in student abilities, lack of student preparation for classes)

  1. Words bolded for emphasis to demonstrate overlap in the barriers data from both sources