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Table 1 Elements of a research study by Crotty (1998)

From: Learning from the parallel pathways of Makers to broaden pathways to engineering






Theory of knowledge

Constructivism knowledge is constructed through human-world interaction (Piaget 1996)

To understand how and what Makers learn through their creations

Theoretical perspective

Philosophy that informs methodology

Constructionism meaning is created through constructing and sharing artifacts (Martinez and Stager 2013, Papert and Harel 1991)

To understand how Makers create meaning through the design and sharing of their creations


Design connecting methods to outcomes

Constructivist grounded theory researcher is the author of participant’s voice and meaning (Charmaz 2006)

Little is known (Corbin and Strauss 2014) about what Makers know and their pathways. Methods must be sensitive to study objectives: to understand what Makers learn and how their pathways intersect with engineering.


Implementation of methodology

Screening questionnaire

Artifact elicitation interviews

Critical incident technique interviews

To screen potential participants

To understand Makers’ creations/knowledge/skills learned by creating

To study Makers’ attitudes about and pathways intersecting with engineering