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Table 2 Design principles in the STeLLA line of research

From: Design principles for effective video-based professional development

Foundational design principles

 1. Conceptual framework: A conceptual framework that is grounded in research about effective science teaching and learning and effective professional development defines the core substance of the program.


 2. Specified teacher and student learning goals: The program is guided by clearly specified teacher and student learning goals that are closely tied to the conceptual framework—science content, pedagogical content knowledge, teaching practice.


 3. Program substance prioritizes depth over breadth: The substance of the program is limited in scope to a few key science ideas in two topic areas, the STeLLA teaching strategies, and an analysis process that focuses on the Student Thinking and Science Content Storyline Lenses.


 4. Theory of teacher learning: A situated cognition theory of teacher learning and a cognitive apprenticeship instructional theory guides the design and sequencing of teacher learning experiences.


Program learning experiences

 5. Video-based analysis of practice: Analysis of classroom teaching and learning using classroom video and student work is a core teacher learning activity.


 6. Science content learning experiences: Teachers’ science content learning is closely linked to analysis-of-practice work. Science content learning experiences that emerge from lesson video analysis are prioritized.


 7. Scaffolded teaching practice: Teachers have scaffolded opportunities to practice using the science and the teaching strategies they are learning about (STeLLA curriculum materials).


Program form

 8. Duration and intensity: The program is of significant duration (2 weeks summer and one academic year) and intensity to make significant changes in teacher knowledge and practice.


 9. Collaborative learning: The development of small, face-to-face study group learning communities in which grade-level teachers share their practice enables deeper analysis of practice.


Program resources

 10. Shared science content and curriculum: Content-specific and curriculum-specific analysis of practice provides shared experiences that allow for deeper analysis of practice and development of common understandings of the content and the teaching strategies.


 11. Educative lesson plans and assessments: Grade-level and content-specific educative curriculum materials support the use of STeLLA strategies, provide anticipated student responses to questions and activities, and highlight how the science content storyline is developing.


 12. Both exemplar and participant videos: Exemplar classroom videocases from teachers outside the study are used to develop an initial understanding of the strategies and the analysis process. Later in the program video analysis focuses on videos from participants’ classrooms.


 13. Analysis tools and processes: Analysis tools and processes scaffold teacher learning from analysis.


 14. Reference materials: Teachers make regular use of STeLLA reference materials to assure shared and grounded understandings.


Program leadership

 15. PD leadership: PD leadership/facilitation plays a critical role in deepening teacher learning from analysis of practice.


 16. PD leader knowledge and decision-making abilities: PD leadership/facilitation requires the ability to draw from a rich base of knowledge (Pedagogical Content Knowledge for PD Leaders) to make planning and in-the-moment, program-aligned decisions and adaptations.


Scalability and sustainability

 17. PD leader development: PD leaders are continuously supported in learning how to effectively implement this program.


 18. Partnership development: A partnership of science education experts and researchers, scientists and mathematicians, and school personnel at multiple levels are involved in ensuring successful implementation across a school district.


 19. Scalability and sustainability: The program is modified in ways that preserve the above design features while incorporating features that will contribute to the program’s sustainability and scalability.