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Table 4 NELS:88 survey items used to create scale scores

From: How personal, behavioral, and environmental factors predict working in STEMM vs non-STEMM middle-skill careers

Items used for self-concept score

(α = .98)

I feel good about myself

I’m a person of worth, equal of others

I am able to do things as well as others

On the whole, I am satisfied with myself

I certainly feel useless at times

At times I think I am no good at all

I feel I do not have much to be proud of

I feel good about myself

I’m a person of worth, equal of others

Items used for locus of control score

(α = .98)

I don’t have enough control over my life

Good luck more important than hard work

Every time I get ahead something stops me

Plans hardly work out, makes me unhappy

When I make plans I can make them work

Chance and luck important in my life

I don’t have enough control over my life

Items used for externalizing problems scorea

(α = .99)

Student sent to office for misbehaving

Student sent to office with school work problems

Parents received warning about attendance

Parents received warning about grades

Parents received warning about behavior

Student got into fight with another student

  1. aItems were recoded before creating the factor score