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Table 4 Nature of the scales used by the instruments

From: Describing undergraduate STEM teaching practices: a comparison of instructor self-report instruments

Scale type

Sample item


Binary scales

 Agree, disagree

How often do you assign at least one major team project?


3-point scales

 Do not use; use and counts towards student grade; use and does not count towards student grade

Have you used pre-tests of prior knowledge?


 Used in all classes, used in some classes, not used

Did you use a multiple-choice midterm or final exam?


 In every course, I teach; in some but not all courses, I teach; never

How often do you assign at least one major team project?


 0–10 %, 10–25 %, more than 25 %

Considering the time spent on the major topics, approximately what fraction was spent on process by which the theory/model/concept was developed?


4-point scales

 Very important; important; somewhat important; not important

To what extent do you clearly explain course goals and requirements?


 All, most, some, none

In how many of the courses that you teach do you use multiple drafts of written work?


 Never used on tests; used occasionally on tests; used frequently on tests; used on all tests

On tests and quizzes, how often did you use conceptual questions?


 Always; usually; sometimes; never

How often do you give students study guides before tests?


5-point scales

 I currently use all or part of it; I have used all or part of it in the past; I am familiar with it but have never used it; I have heard the name but do not know much else about it; I have never heard of it

Please indicate your level of familiarity with inquiry learning.


 0 %, 1–25 %, 26–50 %, 51–75 %, and 76–100 %

Please indicate what percentage of time on average your students spent/spend working on problem sets or projects in pairs or small groups.


 0–20 %, 20–40 %, 40–60 %, 60–80 %, 80–100 %

Fraction of typical class period you spend lecturing.


 Never; seldom; some of the time; most of the time; all of the time

Please rate the extent that real data sets are used during instruction.


 Not used; once per semester; a few times a semester; most class sessions; almost every class session

How often did you use class discussions?


 Never; once or twice; several times; weekly; for nearly every class

Please indicate how frequently you used lecture with demonstration.


 Not at all descriptive of my teaching; minimally descriptive of my teaching; somewhat descriptive of my teaching; mostly descriptive of my teaching; very descriptive of my teaching

I require students to work together in small groups.


 Only rarely; sometimes; about half the time; frequently; always

I structure this subject to help students pass the formal assessment items


 Never; one or more times a semester; one or more times a month; one or more times a week; every class

How often do you address questions to the class as a whole?


6-point scales

 Never; Once or twice; Several Times; Weekly; For Nearly Every Class; Multiple Times Every Class

How frequently did you use traditional lecture in the lecture portion of the course?


8-point scales

 0 %, 1–9 %, 10–19 %, 20–29 %, 30–39 %, 40–49 %, 50–74 %, 75 % or more

In your selected course section, about what percent of class time is spent on lecture?