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Table 7 PUNW institutional analysis—Theme 2

From: Engineering student experience and self-direction in implementations of blended learning: a cross-institutional analysis

PUNW Theme 2

and sub-themes

Representative quotations

Out-of-class resources changed in-class engagement

s = 4

“…this is entirely different from what I'm used to. It's always go to the lecture, you learn the lecture, you go online and do the online homework and you submit it. There's no intertwining that at all, but in this [course] there's a lecture; that's not all of it. You can go online, watch videos. You can look at examples, interact with people on the blog. It's so much deeper than a regular class setting.” (PUNW: Student 1)

Effective supplement to learning that occurred in-class

s = 4

“I enjoy it. You know, it's really focused on like the concepts and the theories and everything. It goes into it rather than, you know, we're just given the homework. 'Cause you know, we're given homework, but then it isn't really explained. Whereas you know here, we have a lot more resources to use, and it's helpful.” (PUNW: Student 4)

Facilitated learning both inside and outside of class

s = 3

“Previously in last semester… he just [wrote notes] on the board, and you take notes that way. With this course, I've noticed for myself I learn better if I just watched and I listened and I don't have to write down frantically all of his notes. It's awesome that all of the notes are right here [online and in the lecturebook] so I can look at him and what he's doing and understand.” (PUNW: Student 1)