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Table 13 PUWL institutional analysis—Theme 3

From: Engineering student experience and self-direction in implementations of blended learning: a cross-institutional analysis

PUWL Theme 3

and sub-themes

Representative quotations

Mutual influences between in-class and out-of-class behavior

s = 9

“I think just because more of an emphasis was put on [the blended resources] during class, like it was mentioned more. That you know, ‘oh if you're having problems with your homework, you should go to the blog,’ or, ‘we didn't do these examples during class so you should go and look at the example videos.’ So, I think the resources were about the same, but they were just used more.” (PUWL: Student 7)

Connections between lecturing, notetaking, and studying

s = 9

“Having those lecture example videos was just … I mean it … that set the whole course, I mean if I didn't know how to do a homework problem, usually there was one problem, maybe two that I could look at and try to pull bits of information out of, even if we didn't cover it in lecture.” (PUWL: Student 10)

Collaborations and interactions in-person and online

s = 8

“'Cause sometimes you don't have time to ask questions due to having a class afterwards, and sometimes you can't go to office hours… So it's really nice to just be able to go back and confirm my little questions [on the discussion forum], and then I can ask the big questions that need more time on with the professor.” (PUWL: Student 1)

Addressing misalignments and poor execution

s = 7

“So, probably like three times a week I use the lecture videos. It's usually to get help on homework or… Sometimes in class, if [the professor] makes a mistake at the end, and then I don't get time to fix it, I'll write a note at the top of my paper to go back and watch the video, because it's the same exact thing that he was going over in class.” (PUWL: Student 8)