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Table 2 The synergistic outcomes of linked CoPs exceed individual outcomes

From: Accelerating STEM education reform: linked communities of practice promote creation of open educational resources and sustainable professional development

CoP objectives

Specific outcomes across CoPs

Synergistic outcomes

CoP #1 (Incubator)

CoP #2 (FMN)

CoP #3 (Ed Research)

Collaborative professional capacity building

Gaining skills in development of OERs and use of SoTL elements in teaching

Gaining skills in implementation and iterating OERs in varied contexts and use of SoTL elements in teaching

Connecting faculty to assessment experts and use of SoTL elements in teaching

Interconnected faculty communities

Open curriculum development and scholarship

Transforming a private resource to a published OER while vetting and expanding for a broad audience

Customizing OERs to produce published OER adaptations for specific classroom contexts

Updating OERs and generating data for documenting effectiveness through research publications

OER and adaptations

Assessment instrument development and validation

Developing open-response items mapped to learning outcomes and collection of pilot data to capture student misconceptions

Converting to closed-response items and collecting pilot data on learning gains

Analyzing pilot data followed by iterative rounds of instrument modification and scaled-up data collection

Validated assessment instruments and datasets