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Table 2 Summary of qualitative themes of Faculty Scholar’s motivation to transform their course (at application stage)

From: Institutionalizing evidence-based STEM reform through faculty professional development and support structures



Faculty centered motivations

 Faculty dissatisfaction

Faculty is dissatisfied by current state of the course, by their ineffective use of instructional strategies, or by the lack of student learning

 Faculty enthusiasm

Faculty shows enthusiasm for implementing active learning and for its promise of improving student outcomes and teaching implementation

 Faculty influenced by positive experience with active learning in the past

Faculty has piloted innovative teaching strategies and has had a positive experience (e.g., positive student outcomes, student evaluations, or instructor benefit/ enjoyment)

 Faculty influenced by professional development events

Faculty participation in professional development workshop/event informed their decision of seeking innovative teaching strategies

 Faculty influenced by interaction with colleagues

Faculty interactions with peers (i.e., faculty colleagues) that have been implementing innovative strategies informed their decision to reform the course

Student centered motivations

 Faculty perception of deficiencies in students

Faculty negative perception of students' preparation (e.g., lack of pre-requisite content knowledge and/or skills) informed decision to reform the course and better support students

 Opportunity to develop student skills

Course transformation will provide an opportunity to develop key skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills) that promote student success in major

 Opportunity to increase student learning

Course transformation will provide an opportunity to increase student learning and understanding of course materials

 Opportunity to increase student engagement/attitudes towards course/discipline

Course transformation will provide an opportunity to increase student engagement and/or positive attitudes (e.g., motivation, value, enjoyment) with the course material

 Opportunity to enhance student satisfaction

Course transformation will provide an opportunity to enhance student satisfaction with the course, sometimes by addressing concerns voiced by students

Course centered motivations

 Challenges faced due to the nature of the course content

Course difficulty is high due to content nature or amount, or the perceptions students have about the course

 Challenges faced due to the high enrollment in the course

Course’s large enrollment makes it difficult to engage students without additional modification and help (e.g., Learning Assistants)

 Low student outcomes in the course

Student outcomes are low in this course (e.g., low passing rates that influence STEM major retention)

 Opportunity to improve course structure

Course transformation will improve the structure and better support student success (e.g., engagement, skills, etc.)

 Course is important for student’s career or degree success

Course is important for students either because the content or skills are required for successfully completing current degree, the content might be included in future career or career related examinations, or the course helps students be more well-rounded individuals

Department centered motivations

 Opportunity to promote change in department

Transforming the course will promote and/or sustain change in the department (e.g., develop materials that others can use, set a precedent, benefit an ongoing change such the creation of a major)

 Opportunity to improve department metrics

Implementing active learning will help improve departmental/institutional metrics (e.g., graduation, retention, etc.)