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Table 1 Factors used in the final multilevel model and their coding

From: Evaluating the impact of malleable factors on percent time lecturing in gateway chemistry, mathematics, and physics courses



Dependent variable

 LECTURE: Overall percent lecturing

The overall percent of time during regular class meetings that students spend listening to the instructor lecture or solve problems

Department characteristics

 CHEM: Chemistry (reference group: math)

0 = no, 1 = yes

 PHYS: Physics (reference group: math)

0 = no, 1 = yes

 BACH: Bachelor’s degree is highest offered by department (reference group: associate degree)

0 = no, 1 = yes

 GRAD: Graduate degree is highest offered by department (reference group: associate degree)

0 = no, 1 = yes

Department appointment expectations

 LOAD: Teaching load


 TENURE: Tenured instructor (reference group: no opportunity to earn tenure)

0 = no, 1 = yes

 TENURETRACK: Tenure-track instructor (reference group: no opportunity to earn tenure)

0 = no, 1 = yes

 SET: Role of student evaluation of teaching in review, promotion, or tenure compared to other measures

0 = not used, 1 = less weight, 2 = equal weight, 3 = more weight, 4 = only used

 APT: Role of assessment of teaching performance in review, promotion, or tenure compared to other measures

0 = not used, 1 = not influential, 2 = somewhat influential, 3 = influential, 4 = very influential

Classroom contextual

 SIZE: Class size

−2 = 2–19, −1 = 20–29, 0 = 30–39, +1 = 40–59, +2 = 60–99, +3 = 100 + studentsa

 ROOM: Classroom setup

0 = fixed seats, 1 = allows for group work

 SIZE × ROOM: Class size × classroom setup interaction effect

Interaction effect of class size and classroom setup with coding used above

 DECISION: Decision making authority

0 = respondent has sole decision-making authority, 1 = is in collaboration with others to make decisions

Personal factors

 RBIS: Had been in a course as a student that had used RBIS

0 = no, 1 = yes

 SOTL: Conducts scholarship of teaching and learning or discipline-based education research

0 = no, 1 = yes

 TFC: Has taken teaching-focused coursework at the undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral level

0 = no, 1 = yes

 WKSP: Has participated in teaching-related workshops

0 = no, 1 = yes

 NFE: Has participated in teaching-related new faculty experiences

0 = no, 1 = yes

Teacher thinking

 GROWTH: Degree of holding a growth mindset by the instructor

−2.5 = fixed mindset to +2.5 = growth mindsetb

 SATISFACTION: Instructor’s level of satisfaction with student learning

−2 = very dissatisfied to +2 = very satisfiedc

  1. aGrand-median centered at 30–39 students. bAverage of three items on a six-point Likert scale from 1 to 6 that describe fixed mindset (Dweck et al., 1995); items were reverse coded to represent increasing growth mindset and centered at the middle of the scale. cThe single item was answered on a five-point Likert scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied); values were centered at middle of the scale