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Table 2 mATSI and mATSI:2 items

From: (Re-)Designing a measure of student’s attitudes toward science: a longitudinal psychometric approach

Perception of the teacher

1. tchrints—Science teachers make science interesting

2. tchrpres—Science teachers present material in an interesting way

3. Science teachers are willing to give us individual help*

Anxiety toward science

1. sciintmd—It makes me nervous to even think about doing science

2. scitlknv—I feel tense/nervous when someone talks to me about science

3. sciscare—It scares me to have to take a science class

4. When I hear the word "science", I have a feeling of dislike*

5. I have a good feeling toward science*

Value of science to society

1. scipbslv—Science is useful for solving the problems of everyday life

2. scihlpfl—Science is helpful in understanding today’s world

3. scistudy—Most people should study some science

4. sciimprt—Science is of great importance to a country’s development

5. It is important to know science in order to get a good job*

Self-confidence in science

1. cntustnd—No matter how hard I try, I cannot understand science

2. scieasy—Science is easy for me

3. sciustnd—I usually understand what we are talking about in science

4. scipoor—I do not do very well in science

5. I often think, "I cannot do this", when a science assignment seems hard*

Desire to do science

1. scienjoy—Science is something which I enjoy very much

2. scichlng—I like the challenge of science assignments

3. scilearn—I have a real desire to learn science

4. scifavsb—Science is one of my favorite subjects

5. I would like to do some reading in science which has not been assigned to me*

6. Sometimes I read ahead in our science book*

7. It is important to me to understand the work I do in the science class*

  1. *mATSI items that were not included in mATSI:1 are italicized
  2. Items included in the mATSI:2