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Table.2 Trend analysis

From: A systematic review on trends in using Moodle for teaching and learning




Definition of sub-themes


Moodle features

Comparing Moodle with other LMSs

Compares Moodle features with other learning management systems


Moodle tools for student activities

Explains/analyses videos/virtual tours embedded to Moodle, Moodle survey tools, Moodle workshop (for peer assessments), e-portfolios, Moodle lessons, Moodle Quizzes, Moodle discussion forums, and tool 'wiki' as education content


Curriculum development

Course design

Discusses online course materials or online course developments


Design framework

Discusses designing programs (multiple courses) OR upper-level architecture design such as web browser, app server platform development OR teacher training OR quality assurance


Teachers’ perspectives

Investigates teachers' perspectives, experiences, attitudes of online teaching


Learning focus

Adaptive content

Discusses computer-aided interactive content for self-online learning which includes e-learning systems that automatically adapt/generate content based on student preferences and personalities


Learning styles

Discusses active learning, reflective processing or sensing, intuitive perception or visual, verbal representation or sequential, global understanding


Critical thinking

Discusses enhancing student thinking ability


Collaborative learning

Discusses group work and online peer assessment


Problem/project-based learning

Describes students solving complex problems or online student projects



Formative assessment

Discusses online formative assessments (non-graded)


Summative assessment

Discusses online summative assessments (graded)


Marking and feedback

Discusses grading and providing feedback to formative/summative online assessments


Online examinations

Discusses online examinations



Security and privacy issues

Discusses cybersecurity, data protection, user authentications


Academic integrity issues

Discusses cheating and plagiarisms associated with online exams and assessments


Technical developments

Application of Moodle Analytics

Discusses Moodle's in-build analytical tools and how these tools and/or user login data can be used for education research/educational content development


Software development and adaptation

Discusses new software developments to complement/improve Moodle OR how to use existing software along with Moodle to improve user experiences


Research approach and method


Seeks to quantify a phenomenon relevant to online teaching and learning



Involves descriptive data collection, providing richness of students', teachers', or other stakeholders' thoughts and experiences


Mixed method

Involves both quantitative and qualitative methods


Student success


Student performance

Measures student performance based on their grades


Student engagement

Measures student engagement of online materials based on whether students engaged in an activity, number of hits (views/attempts) for online activity, how long students have been engaged in a specific activity. Or analyses student behaviours, attitudes, and perceptions of online learning


Student satisfaction

Investigates student satisfaction and motivation towards online learning