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Table 1 Association of inquiry-based learning outcomes and inquiry skills

From: Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales

Inquiry phase

Analytical skills

Planning skills

Interpretation skills


Analyzing the problem situation to extract key variables and to state the problem

Planning the procedure of getting acquainted with the problem situation

Interpreting the problem situation in a personal context to make it more meaningful


Analyzing the problem statement to specify relevant knowledge to formulate research questions or hypotheses consisting of dependent and independent variables

Planning the procedure of analyzing the problem statement and collecting relevant information to formulate research questions or hypotheses

Interpreting the variety of information found for formulating research questions or hypotheses


Analyzing the collected data to answer the research questions or control the hypotheses

Planning the procedure of data collection to gather data necessary for answering the research questions or checking the hypotheses

Interpreting the variety of procedures (their pros and cons) that could be applied in data collection


Analyzing the quality of the inquiry process and how well the conclusions enable to answer the research questions or check the hypotheses (or what are the related limitations)

Planning the procedure of evaluating the quality and limitations of the conclusions

Interpreting the findings in order to draw a conclusion to answer the research question or to accept or reject the stated hypotheses; to understand the scope of the conclusions


Analyzing what and how to present to others and how to incorporate and understand the feedback of others

Planning the discussion with others and the presentation of procedure or outcomes of any of the inquiry phases to others

Interpreting the meaning of the outcomes to others so that they understand the main point and can give feedback; interpreting the feedback of others and reflecting on the learning process