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Table 3 Example items from STEM-ID observation protocol

From: Exploring critical components of an integrated STEM curriculum: an application of the innovation implementation framework

Critical component


4. Student engagement in engineering design process

Select stage(s) of the EDP students engaged in during the class session.

 □ Identify the problem

 □ Understand design requirements and goals (background research)

 □ Ideate (brainstorm design ideas, sketch to communicate)

 □ Evaluate (strengths/weaknesses, rate designs, design selection)

 □ Prototype and test (technical drawings, models, tests)

 □ Communicate solution (share, justify design, documentation).

 □ None. Students did not engage in EDP.

Engineering design process notes:

6. Students apply math/science knowledge and skills

Select math/science integration activities students engaged in during the class session.

 □ Math–measurement

 □ Math–data analysis

 □ Science–experimental procedures

 □ Math concepts–students or teachers reference math concept(s).

 □ Science concepts–students or teacher reference science concepts.

Note specific concepts, vocabulary, practices:

7/8. Use of advanced manufacturing technology

Select any advanced manufacturing technology utilized by the students or teacher during this class session.

 □ 3D printing

 □ Iron CAD

 □ Robotics

 □ Other (describe below).

Advanced manufacturing technology notes: