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Fig. 6 | International Journal of STEM Education

Fig. 6

From: The (STEM)2 Network: a multi-institution, multidisciplinary approach to transforming undergraduate STEM education

Fig. 6

Increase in Collaborations with Colleagues. The number of times participants reported collaborating with colleagues prior to joining the Network (left bars in each Sankey diagram) and after 7 months of participating in the (STEM)2 Network (right bars in each Sankey diagram) in a the same discipline at their home institution, b different disciplines at their home institution, c the same discipline at other institutions, and d different disciplines at other institutions. The numbers below the figures represent the increase in participants’ interactions from prior to joining the Network to 7 months after joining the Network. Interactions were calculated by multiplying the number of participants in each collaboration category at each time point by 0 (for never), 1 (for 1 time), 2.5 (for 2–3 times), 4.5 (for 4–5 times), and 6 (for more than 5 times)

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