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Table 1 Interview participant demographics

From: Depression as a concealable stigmatized identity: what influences whether students conceal or reveal their depression in undergraduate research experiences?

Participant demographics


n= 35


% (n)


77% (27)


20% (7)

 Decline to state

3% (1)



26% (9)


3% (1)


14% (5)

 Middle Eastern

3% (1)

 Mixed race

3% (1)


49% (17)

 Declined to state

3% (1)

College generation status

 First generation

29% (10)

 Continuing generation

69% (24)

 Declined to state

3% (1)

Transfer status


14% (5)


83% (29)

 Decline to state

3% (1)

Year in collegea

 First year

3% (1)

 Second year

14% (5)

 Third year

17% (6)

 Fourth year or greater

63% (22)

 Decline to state

3% (1)

Length of research experiencea

 Less than 6 months

20% (7)

 6 months

17% (6)

 1 year

31% (11)

 1.5 years

11% (4)

 2 years

6% (2)

 3 years

9% (3)

 3.5 years

3% (1)

 Declined to state

3% (1)

  1. aStudents’ years in college and the lengths of their research experiences were collected using a survey that was given to students 6 months prior to the interview