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Table 4 The SCCEI used to measure student cognitive engagement

From: Correlations between modes of student cognitive engagement and instructional practices in undergraduate STEM courses

ICAP category



Interactivity with Peers

Engagement activities that involve knowledge generation between two peers

I defend my approach to others when discussing course content.

I discuss my position with others regarding the course content.

I explain concepts to others when discussing course content.

I justify my perspective to others when discussing course content.

Constructive Notetaking

Engagement activities where students generate knowledge in their notetaking

I add my own notes to the notes provided by the teacher.

My course notes include additional content to what the teacher provided.

I add my own content to the course notes.

Active Notetaking

Engagement activities of copying course material into personal notes

I take verbatim notes (meaning word for word directly from the board/PowerPoint etc.).

I copy solution steps verbatim (meaning word for word directly from the board/PowerPoint etc.).

I only copy the notes the teacher writes down.

Active Processing

Cognitive manipulation of course material as it is presented where no new knowledge is generated

I connect current concepts with previous course content.

I apply current solution steps with previous course content.

I think about previous concepts covered in the course.

I consider how multiple ideas or concepts relate.

Passive Processing

Cognitive orientation towards instruction taking place in the course

I pay attention to my teacher or whomever is speaking.

I follow along with my teacher or whomever is speaking when they discuss examples.

I listen when my teacher or whomever is speaking.

I follow along with the activities that take place during the course.