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Table 1 Overview of research focused on faculty perceptions of barriers to implementing EBIPS

From: The STEM Faculty Instructional Barriers and Identity Survey (FIBIS): development and exploratory results


Student characteristics

Teacher characteristics

Technical/pedagogical issues


Michael, 2007

Don’t know how to do active learning, don’t come prepared for class, unwilling to engage, lack maturity, difficult due to student heterogeneity

Too much prep time required, less control, colleague perceptions, risk of poor student evals, don’t know how to do it

Inappropriate classroom design, too much time—can’t cover content needed, assessment difficult, class size challenges, hard to predict learning outcomes, hard to ensure quality in multiple sections, not enough learning resources, standard classroom periods

Faculty reward structure favors research

Sunal et al., 2001



Resources, turf conflicts


Walder, 2015

Absenteeism, resistance, commitment

Time constraints, fears, energy investment

Need for TAs, problematic tech, class too large, technical complexity, organizational difficulties, in-class assignments, subject, discipline-specific issues

Financial, national constraints

Brownell & Tanner, 2012


Lack of time and training, professional identity tensions


Lack of incentives; professional identity as researcher preferred

Porter & Graham, 2016



Insufficient infrastructure availability, tech support, pedagogical support, evals

Faculty and administrator goal alignment for adoption

Turpen et al., 2016


Time, content coverage loss, bad past experience with EBIPs



Dancy & Henderson, 2008


Content coverage expectations, lack of time

Class size and room layout, time structure

Departmental norms

Elrod & Kezar, 2017


Belief that change only happens at dept level or requires a grant, expecting an EBIP to work without tailoring to institution, faculty belief in their role as sage on the stage, lack of expertise in the EBIP, belief that more people have bought in than actually have, implicit theories about change; lack of consideration in informing students of change and rationale


Lack of incentives, lack of support for data collection and analysis, inadequate planning for buy in, department tension for turf, resources, workload, shifts in leadership, changes in team membership

Henderson & Dancy, 2007

Attitudes to school/lack responsibility/only here for degree, student resistance/don’t like to interact/not prepared to think independently

Lack of time/too busy teaching load and research

Time structure/fixed semester length/limited class time, class size, room layout

Expected content coverage, departmental norms

Hora, 2012



Type of course influences teaching by dictating feasible and appropriate course pedagogy

Teaching loads (dictate time available for teaching-related activities), teaching evaluations because of their role in personnel policies (i.e., tenure and promotion)

Shadle, Marker, & Earl, 2017

Student resistance, unprepared students

Loss of autonomy, resistance to change, competes with research, lack of pedagogical skills/information, lack of confidence in EBIPS

Time constraints, instructional challenges, inadequate resources, rigid or ambitious nature of EBIPs, vague end state/process to get there

Insufficient faculty assessment methods and processes, conflicts with institutional rewards/priorities, current culture is unsupportive, departmental divisions, misalignment with accreditation requirements

  1. – Not discussed in the article