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Table 7 Rotated factor loadings from the first factor analysis

From: Development and validation of the Value-Expectancy STEM Assessment Scale for students in higher education

Item no.


Factor loadings




Item 13

I would enjoy taking STEM courses


− .151

− .117

Item 12

The idea of being in a STEM class excites me


− .132


Item 11

Being in a STEM class would be fun for me


− .133

− .107

Item 3

I find STEM-related jobs very interesting



− .141

Item 10

STEM classes are boring




Item 2

I would take a course in STEM even if it were not required



Item 14

I dislike STEM courses (R)




Item 6

I would enjoy working in a STEM field



− .127

Item 9

STEM is a good college major for me



− .139

Item 5

STEM is an important field for me



− .198

Item 8

I am not interested in a degree in STEM




Item 7

I would rather do something else than take on a STEM-related job




Item 19

I feel I would have something to be proud of as a STEM professional



− .320

Item 10

STEM classes are boring

− .123


− .145

Item 22

I do not think I can achieve anything meaningful as a STEM professional (R)




Item 16

I would certainly feel useless in a STEM-related job (R)



− .107

Item 20

I don’t think I will succeed in a STEM field (R)



− .178

Item 1

Working in a STEM field would be a waste of my time (R)




Item 4

I don’t think working in a STEM field would help me achieve my professional aspirations (R)




Item 21

I would be able to succeed in a STEM field as well as most other people



− .607

Item 17

I feel I have a number of good qualities to be successful in a STEM field



− .607

Item 15

I feel I have what it takes to succeed in a STEM-related job



− .528