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Table 1 Mean scores of attributes based on perceived importance

From: Co-Measure: developing an assessment for student collaboration in STEAM activities



Dimension: Peer Interaction

 Monitors tasks/project with peers

3.00 (.00)

 Negotiates roles within group

2.33 (.82)

 Divides and works toward task completion

1.83 (1.33)

 Checks for understanding regarding process and/or content

1.33 (1.03)

 Provides peer feedback, assistance, and/or redirection

2.33 (1.21)

Dimension: Positive Communication

 Respects others’ ideas

3.00 (.00)

 Uses socially appropriate language and behavior

2.33 (1.03)

 Listens and takes turns

1.83 (1.47)

Dimension: Inquiry Rich/Multiple Paths

 Develops appropriate questions towards solving the problem

2.33 (1.21)

 Verifies information and sources to support inquiry

2.83 (.41)

Dimension: Authentic Approach and Tasks

 Shares connections to relevant knowledge

2.17 (1.17)

 Negotiates method or materials relevant to solving the problem posed

2.00 (1.26)

 Uses tools collaboratively to approach task

2.17 (1.17)

Dimension: Transdisciplinary Thinking

 Discusses approaching task, activity, or problem using multiple disciplines

2.00 (1.10)

 Co-creates products by incorporating multiple disciplines

2.67 (.52)

  1. Standard deviations appear in parentheses beside means