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Table 2 Searched keywords related to PreK-12 engineering education web resources

From: The landscape of PreK-12 engineering online resources for teachers: global trends


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Terms that worked


Engineering, activities, projects

Science technology:تكنولوجيا التعلم, educational technology (تكنولوجيا التعلم), learning site, interactive site (مواقع تفاعلية للأطفال)


Engineering education, Engineers' education, middle/high school, kindergarten

Science education (科学教育), science and technology education (科学技术教育), youngsters (青少年), child (儿童/幼儿), science and technology museums (科技馆), science popularization (科普), work and technological education (劳动技术教育), practicality (实践能力)


Creativity, innovation, invention

K-12, engineering, science, technology, STEM, design, curriculum


Engineering education

Ingenieur (engineer), ressource pedagogiques pour l'ingenieur préscolaire (educational resources for the preschool engineer), science (science), ministere de l’education, technologie (technology), enseignement préscolaire (preschool education/teaching), ateliers scientifiques (scientific workshop), musee scientifiques (scientific museum), sciences a l’ecole (science at school), sites scolaires de sciences et technologie (academic sites for science and technology), resources academiques (academic resources), culture scientifique ou technologique (scientific or technologic culture), sites nationales de sciences et de technologie (National sites of science and technology), projets scientifiques (scientific projects), projets de sciences (science projects), exposciences (science exposition)


Engineering education, PreK-12 innovation, invention

Science (Θετικές Επιστήμες), engineering (Μηχανική), technology (Τεχνολογία), design (Σχέδιο/σχεδιασμός), mechanics (Μηχανική), electronics (Ηλεκτρονική), computer science (Πληροφορική), physics (Φυσική), chemistry (Χημεία), biology (Βιολογία), creativity (Δημιουργικότητα), curriculum (Πρόγραμμα σπουδών), kindergarten (Νηπιαγωγείο), elementary (Δημοτικό), middle school (Γυμνάσιο), high school (Λύκειο).


PreK-12 engineering education

Engineering (공학), science education (과학교육) , STEAM, STEM, science education (과학교육), technology education (기술교육), block building (쌓기), machines (기계), tools (도구), invention (발명), creativity (창조), pre-engineering education (예비공학교육), STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) integrated education (융합인재교육)


Engineering education, curriculum

Science and technology museums (Museos de Ciencia y Tecnologia), science projects (Proyectos de Ciencia), school technology projects (Proyectos Escolares de Tecnologia), engineering school projects (Proyectos Escolares de Ingenieria), didactic materials for technology education (Materiales Didacticos en Educacion en Tecnologia), didactic materials for engineering education (Materiales Didacticos para Educacion en Ingenieria), engineering activities for elementary education (Actividades de Ingenieria para Educacion Primaria), engineering experiments (Experimentos de Ingenieria), engineering projects for children (Proyectos de Ingenieria para Ninos).